Monday, 22 August 2011

Swiss Italian Heritage Day Sun 30th October Lavandula

Our spring festival honours the Swiss Italian origin of this farm, and celebrates spring in the garden.
You can explore the Swiss Italian theme through a visit to the 1860s farmhouse, enjoy the joyful music of Marcello and Paulina, listen to Fay Thomson's stories, watch Boyd Thompson's slides of Ticino, or listen to readings from Maria Triaca's Amelia.
Under colourful fluttering flags from Biasca, you will enjoy la primavera festa by simply lolling on the grass, watching the farm animals and the little chicks on the lake, or walking in a beautiful garden taking time to notice the fresh growth of spring or to hear the small birds bustling through the nesting season.
Bring a rug, relax and breathe in the indescribable freshness of spring country air.
This year's La Primavera will be held 10.30am-5pm Sunday 30 October 2011(that'll give you plenty of time to get ready for the Festa's evening lantern parade & fireworks).
Entry $5 adults, $2 school-age children

I thought this could be  a great day to get all the vegie group families together for a bit of a party - we're a pretty huge group to fit into a house these days.

lavandula map

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very interesting - I haven't been to Lavandula for years.


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